Напишите сочинение "кем я восхищаюсь" про маму на английском языке минимум 80 слов

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Как решить задачу - Напишите сочинение "кем я восхищаюсь" про маму на английском языке минимум 80 слов
My mom is a wonderful woman. She is a real-life hero! Every day she does so much for me and our family in general. She always wakes up first in the morning to cook breakfast. She works a lot, but when she comes home she finds the time to clean our apartment, wash the dishes and cook something delicious. Mother never shows that she is tired. Even when she's sick she does all the chores. No one compares to her. No one in the world has such warm hands, gives such soft kisses and is so full of love.