Напишите восемь предложений мои обязанности по дому. на английском языке с переводом на русский.

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Можете навести на мысль, как решить это 9 класса: - напишите восемь предложений мои обязанности по дому. на английском языке с переводом на русский.
I clean my apartment every week. I wash the dishes every day. I take care of my pet. I'm doing my homework. I read literature on the school curriculum. I do everything that my parents tell me. I sometimes pay my bills for an apartment. I follow the work of the Internet in the house. I set up the TV at home. I go to the grocery store. I get up early in the morning to make coffee for my parents. I help my relatives in all matters. I help my relatives do their homework. I like helping my parents.