Замените фразы с предлогом of на существительные в притяжательном падеже: 1.the advice of my parents

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Как работать над заданием 11 класса: - замените фразы с предлогом of на существительные в притяжательном падеже: 1.the advice of my parents. 2 the games of her sons 3 the marks of her childrrn 4. a ax from helix 5. a novel by akunin. 6 the life of students 7 a school for boys 8. a magazine for women. 9. a club for men 10. the climate of england 11 the surface of he moon 12. the history of the world 13. a holiday for two weeks 14. the news of today, 15 the problems of the country.
1. My parents' advice.

2. Her sons' games.

3. Her children's marks.

4. Helix' ax.

5. Akunin's novel.

6. The students' life.

7. A boys' school.

8. A women's magazine.

9. A men's club.

10. The England's climate.

11. The moon's surface.

12. The world's history.

13. A two-weeks' holiday.

14. The today's news.

15. The country's problems.